vendredi 26 novembre 2010

Movember, 25th

Getting there, right? ;)

Movember, 15th

mercredi 10 novembre 2010

Movember 9th

Le résultat après une grosse semaine. Côté dons, je suis toujours à 0. En même temps je ne fais absolument aucun lobby alors...
Ah oui, car pour ceux qui ne l'auraient pas compris, le coup de la moustache c'est surtout pour m'amuser.

lundi 1 novembre 2010

It's the Mo-ment

Movember, 1st. I can already hear Luco. I know what he thinks for that he told me many times when we were at university. Growing a moustache, or a beard or any kind of hair on both his and my face is next to impossible.
Yet, today I'm taking up this very challenge of growing what should look like a gentleman moustache by the end of the month. First, because it's for a noble cause (read more about the cause). Second and main reason, because it's fun. So this morning I started with a clean shaven face and for the next 30 days,
I'll be growing my mo-stache. And while I do it and post pictures on my blog, you generous reader can sponsor me and fight cancer your own way. Stay tune for more updates this month.