lundi 3 décembre 2007

Ce que je sais de Lola

Last week, the French Film Festival ended at the Irish Film Institute. When I heard about it I thought: ‘What a great idea to promote French culture!’. So I went to see one of the selected movie the other day*. ‘Lola’. I doubt this movie really helped France.

To fully understand what type of movie this is you’ll have to make an effort of imagination. Think about the worse movie you’ve ever seen. Multiply it by 10. Now substract any scenario that might have been part of this movie. Also get rid of any jokes, funny or not, that could have make you laugh or smile. Add many scenes that make no sense and make sure not to let any hint in those scenes that could lead the viewer to any kind of interpretation. Make this last for two long hours and you might start getting a tiny piece of an idea of how painful this movie was to watch..

Who’s to blame for that terrible moment in cinema’s history? I think there is more than one culprit.

First of all, I’m to blame. I should have known better than to go see an arty movie like this one. Some are outstanding, but too many are just not made for anyone else to watch it than the movie director.

As a normal consequence of this, I’m holding the movie director very much responsible for creating such a movie. And I’m hoping that any kind of producer that might have been involved in this lost a lot of money making and distributing this movie.

But most of all, I think critics and the people who put ‘Lola’ in the French Film Festival selection are to blame. I’m open minded and yet I don’t see how anyone can possibly ever write something good about this movie (unless out of irony). Critics, I believe, simply tend to write good critics about bad movie to differentiate themselves. They admire movies that no one likes so they can go back to their own little world of critics and talk about how they are the only one to understand what the director tried to show and how beautiful it was. Truth to tell, ‘Lola’ was just a bad movie and I got lured into seeing it.

Yesterday started the German Film Festival at the IFI. I’m more and more interested about Germany since I hang out all the time with what I call the ‘German Connection’ here in Dublin. I wonder whether I should go see any of the selected movie if I really want to have a good opinion about that country...
*I really intended to go see ‘I do’ (Prête-moi ta main) but it was sold out when I got to the IFI. Since I was there and didn’t have any back up plan I pick the next movie which happened to be ‘Lola’.

4 commentaires:

Steven a dit…

Et que dire de ce momument du cinema espagnol: "Bodas de Sangre" (ou quelque chose dans le genre). Le moins que l'on puisse dire, c'est que le public de ce type de film est appele a rester tres tres confidentiel...

Eric a dit…

"Le film, presque exclusivement composé de plans fixes, est une véritable splendeur, une œuvre émaillée de micro-épiphanies, qu’elles soient ou non fondées sur le principe de la répétition (le même cadre, le même angle vu à différents moments de la journée, à différents stades de l’histoire).

La fixité du cadre y est pour beaucoup, mais cela n’explique pas la beauté métaphysique de certains plans (une salle d’attente dépeuplée), ni la grâce énigmatique de certaines scènes"signé Les Inrockuptibles. Tu devrais leur écrire Sully!!

S. a dit…

Merci d'apporter de l'eau à mon moulin Eric.
Tu comprends mieux à quel point j'ai pu souffrir :(

Anonyme a dit…

Oh là la steven, j'avais oublié ce chef d'oeuvre du cinema espagnol choisi par nos profs pour nous faire progresser...

Il devait bien y avoir au moins 10 phrases dans tout le film....

Le reste n'était que pure délire de l'artiste. Forcément, pauvres mécréants que nous étions, nous avions bien du mal à comprendre...

L'art dans toute sa splendeur...